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30 Day Reset
30 Day Reset: A Yogic Approach to All Things Edible
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Meet Sara!
Week 1: Deconstructing Cravings // What is the Definition of a Food Craving?
Day 1 Lesson + Prompt
Why Do We Have Cravings?
Day 2 Lesson + Prompt
What Does the Type of Food I Crave Mean?
Day 3 Lesson + Prompt
What Do Emotions Have to Do with Cravings?
Day 4 Lesson + Prompt
Why Do Humans Crave Sugar So Much?
Day 5 Lesson + Prompt
How Can I Balance the Yin/Yang of Cravings?
Day 6 Lesson + Prompt
What are Some Ways to Reduce Cravings?
Day 7 Lesson + Prompt
Rest + Recipe Day
Warm and Nutty Cinnamon and Berry Quinoa
Week 2: Mindful Eating // What is Mindful Eating?
Day 9 Lesson + Prompt
What Happens to My Body / Mind When I Eat Mindfully?
Day 10 Lesson + Prompt
10 Minute Mindful Eating Exercise
Day 11 Lesson + Prompt
What Are All the Specific Steps to Eating a Meal Mindfully?
Day 12 Lesson + Prompt
What is the Mindful Eating Cycle?
Day 13 Lesson + Prompt
What Do the Yoga Sutras Say About Mindful Eating?
Day 14 Lesson + Prompt
Rest + Recipe Day
Tortilla Soup
Week 3: Glorious Greens // What are the Health Benefits of Leafy Greens?
Day 16 Lesson + Prompt
What are Examples of Leafy Greens?
Day 17 Lesson + Prompt
Video: How to Prepare a Simple Leafy Green Recipe
Day 18 Video + Prompt
How Often Should I Be Eating Leafy Greens?
Day 19 Lesson + Prompt
How Should I Buy, Store and Clean Leafy Greens?
Day 20 Lesson + Prompt
How Do I Prepare Leafy Greens so They Don’t Taste Nasty?
Day 21 Lesson + Prompt
Rest + Recipe Day
Week 4: Meditation, Breathwork + Meditation // What is Meditation?
Day 23 Lesson + Prompt
What is the Relationship Between Food + Meditation?
Day 24 Lesson + Prompt
How Does Digestion Work and What is the Gut/Brain Connection?
Day 25 Lesson + Prompt
How Does my Breathing Affect Digestion?
Day 26 Lesson + Prompt
Why is it Important to Abstain From Food Before Practicing Yoga Asanas?
Day 27 Lesson + Prompt
Video: Digestion Asanas (poses)
Day 28 Video + Prompt
Rest + Recipe Day
Celery, White Bean, Parmesan Salad
Time to Wrap it Up!
Day 30 Lesson
Program Survey
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Day 14 Lesson + Prompt
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